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Stop Guessing and Get into Action with Chatbot Analytics

Strategize your marketing campaigns based on real time statistics and data extracted from the conversations between chatbots anlytics and consumers. The intelligent analytics of conversational AI can unlock the hidden facts related to major business metrics. This further can help you deliver better customer services and lock more leads. So why settle for surface-level analysis when you can unleash the full potential of your business with conversational AI?
Check out what you can analyse :

  • Sentiments.
  • Popular search queries.
  • Your popular products.
  • Cross-selling and up-selling opportunities.
Stop Guessing and Get into Action with Chatbot Analytics

Don't leave your Sales performance and
Returns to chance – Use Chatbot Analytics to
Stay ahead of the game.

Asses Performance

With Conversational AI analytics, identify total queries handled and resolved by the chatbot analytics without any human interventions and how many conversations left unsettled.

Tailored Conversation Flows
Tailored Conversation Flows

Build tailored flows of conversations based on the data generated by the chatbot analytics to meet user expectations and resolve maximum queries. 

Stop wasting Time and Resources on ineffective strategies - Use Analytics to optimise your sales and returns.

Talk to the expert

Deliver Personalised Recommendations with Sentiment Analysis

Conversational AI leverages the power of natural language processing (NLP). By taking advantage of NLP, conversational AI and sentiment analysis, you can add a human-like touch to the conversations..

Chatbots and other conversational AI tools can identify blaspheme, anger, appreciation, curiosity, slang, broken CX, repetitive questions, etc. The empathetic yet professional response reflecting your business brand will help you increase clientele.

Deliver Personalised Recommendations with Sentiment Analysis

Enhance Customer Support and Sales

Use Analytical dashboard to gain insights into customer behaviour and preferences. This allows you to enhance both customer support and sales strategies. Analyse data related to chatbot interactions, most asked questions and much more that ultimately drives more sales and conversions.

Enhance Customer Support and Sales
Ready to Optimize your Chatbot Strategy with Data-Driven Insights?

Ready to Optimize your Chatbot Strategy with Data-Driven Insights?

Gain Competitive Edge

Don’t just make a Sale make a
Relationship that lasts

Conversation Analytics
Conversation Analytics

Identify frequently experienced challenges and concerns. Train chatbot to respond to all common questions and resolve major concerns.

Customer Expectation
Customer Expectation

Identify whether chatbots are capable of meeting customer expectations or not. Discover possible solutions to meet customer expectations.

Customer Expectation
Customer Expectation

Unlock the full potential of your employees productivity, ensure employee engagement, job satisfaction, collaboration among the employees and transform the way you manage your workforce.

Frequently Asked Questions

In our commitment to provide you with the best experience, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions that can help clarify any doubts you may have. If you don’t find your answer please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Conversational ai analytics involves analyzing chatbot interactions to identify common challenges and concerns. This helps businesses improve their chatbot responses, ensuring that frequently asked questions and major issues are effectively addressed.

Yes, the dashboard can track and report on the performance of individual chatbots, including metrics such as query resolution rates, user satisfaction scores, interaction volumes and more.